October 08, 2007

Say NO To Hillary

In April 2005, Sandy Berger plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material from the National Archives in Washington, removing or destroying originals of other unknown documents as well.

This is the person Hillary Rodham Clinton wants to advise on her presidential campaign for 2008?

So it comes down to this again; conscience or hatred. On the one hand your conscience should tell you that this is a bad decision on Hillary or Bill's part, associating themselves once again with criminals; on the other hand, some blame the republicans for everything happening wrong with the war in Iraq and at home, so out of hatred and blame some will look the other way and accept this.

How is that possible? I definately am not going to vote for any democrat and I don't know who exactly I am going to vote for on the republican side. Who knows, maybe I will vote Independent.

Did you know that when the Sandy Berger investigation started that John Kerry (I don't miss that name) fired him from his presidential campaign?

Now that he is found guilty, and in my opinion should have done some serious jail time, Hillary decides to add him to her campaign advisors. Can't everyone see the hypocrasy in that?

The scandals of the 90's were almost always related to either Hillary or Bill; yet none have been found directly related to George W. Bush (not that they haven't tried).

If "Scooter" Libby can do time for alledgedly lying to prosecutors, why isn't Sandy Berger doing time for his crime (stealing high security documents from the National Archives?).

In November 1997, Berger paid a $23,000 civil penalty to settle conflict of interest allegations stemming from his failure to sell his stock of Amoco Corporation as ordered by the White House. Berger was advised by the White House to sell the stock in early 1994. Berger said he had planned to sell the stock, but then forgot. He denied knowingly participating in decisions in which he had a financial interest. With no evidence that Berger intended to break the law, the U.S. Justice Department determined a civil penalty was adequate for a "non-willful violation" of the conflict of interest law.

In 1999, Berger was criticized for failing to promptly inform President Clinton of his knowledge that the People's Republic of China had managed to acquire the designs of a number of U.S. nuclear warheads. Berger was originally briefed of the espionage by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) in April 1996, but did not inform the president until July 1997.

After leaving the Clinton administration, Berger became chairman of Stonebridge International, an international advisory firm he co-founded in 2001 which focuses on aiding companies in their expansion into markets such as Brazil, China, India, and Russia. Berger is also Chairman of the DB Zwirn Global Advisory Board,an international investment fund and merchant capital provider founded in 2001 and with offices throughout North America, Europe and Asia.

In late 2003, Berger was called to testify before the 9/11 Commission regarding steps taken against terrorism during his tenure and the information he provided to his successor, Condoleezza Rice. Hmm, I wonder if he forgot or didn't think some of the information was credible or that important at that time to inform the new administration? During this time, Berger was also acting as an informal foreign policy advisor to Senator John Kerry during his campaign for the presidency. He quit his advisory role after controversy arose regarding his preparations for testifying before the September 11 committee.

On July 19, 2004, it was revealed that the U.S. Justice Department was investigating Berger for unlawfully stealing classified documents in October 2003, by removing them from a National Archives reading room prior to testifying before the 9/11 Commission. The documents were five classified copies of a single report commissioned from Richard Clarke, covering internal assessments of the Clinton administration's handling of the unsuccessful 2000 millennium attack plots.

Archive staff stated they witnessed Berger, on more than one occasion, stuffing into his pants and into his jacket papers he was illegally removing. One witness saw Berger stuffing into his socks papers from the archives.

Critics suggest Berger destroyed primary evidence revealing anti-terrorism policies and actions, and that his motive was to permanently erase Clinton administration pre-9/11 mistakes from the public record. Public statements to this effect have been made by talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh,former Clinton campaign advisor Dick Morris, USA Today reporter Jack Kelley, multiple times by Fox News correspondent John Gibson (the last as recently as December 2006), and former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (Republican-Illinois), who said: "What information could be so embarrassing that a man with decades of experience in handling classified documents would risk being caught pilfering our nation's most sensitive secrets?"

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